

Maximum number of authors


Papers per main author


Submission Deadline




Registration confirmation

Grade de horários de apresentação – Modalidade Oral

Grade de horários de apresentação – Modalidade Online




Faça download do modelo de apresentação abaixo, e monte seu arquivo. Se seu trabalho foi aprovado para e-pôster, você precisará enviar o arquivo em pdf até 10 de agosto acessando a Área do Congressista.

Templeite de apresentação – Slides

  • Os participantes com trabalhos aprovados na modalidade Oral, deverão baixar este arquivo para montar suas apresentações que serão realizadas presencialmente ou na transmissão ao vivo do evento! Não é necessário enviar sua apresentação.

Templeite de apresentação – Pôster

  • Os participantes com trabalhos aprovados em E-Pôster, devem baixar o modelo para montar o e-pôster e enviá-lo em PDF no sistema. Não haverá apresentação ao vivo, mas os e-pôsteres serão expostos durante o evento. Clique aqui para enviar seu e-Pôster clicando na ABA Resumos e no código do resumo até dia 10 de agosto.



The deadline for abstract submission will be April 6th, 2025, as per the date of filling out and submitting the electronic form. There will be no extension of this deadline. Abstract submission is free and registration in the event is not required.

One of the authors must be registered at SEPSIS 2025 by May 10th, 2025. If the author is not the presenter of the work, the presenter must also be registered. The registration fee will follow the progressive calendar established for the event.

Key dates:

  • Abstract submission open: January X, 2025
  • Submission deadline: April 6th, 2025
  • Final acceptance notices sent by: April 20th, 2025
  • Accepted presenters to confirm and register by: May 10th, 2025

Abstract must be submitted online using the electronic form available on the event website. Abstracts will be accepted in English, Portuguese or Spanish, according to the following instructions:

  • Headings: Abstract title, Authors and Affiliations, Introduction/Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion, and References (optional);
  • The total length of the abstract should not exceed 350 words (word limit applies to the Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion; Title, Authors and References are excluded from the word count). Text only (no graphics, images or tables are allowed in the abstract body);
  • Only abstracts that are complete and in accordance with the instructions provided above will be considered for review;

Title: include the full title of the work.

Authors: write the names of the authors in full. The names will be separated from each other by a comma, for example: Flávia Ribeiro Machado, Reinaldo Salomão. The presenter’s name must be underlined.

Affiliation: Only the main institution of each author must appear, without ANY mention of their role within this institution. Only one institution may be cited per author. Put the name in full,

abbreviation between dashes (if applicable) city (state), country. Example: Critical Care Deparment, Federal University of São Paulo – UNIFESP – São Paulo (SP), Brazil.

Summary text: For original articles, use paragraphs in the subdivisions (Introduction/Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion, written in bold, lower case with the first letter in capital letters). Do not include discussion as separate item. Only these five items will be considered and the rest of the text will be deleted.

Case reports must contain a brief introduction, description of the case and comments, without structuring into paragraphs, that is, the summary must not be structured.

The use of abbreviations should be avoided. In cases where they are absolutely necessary, the meaning should be spelled out the first time they are used.

Figures and/or tables will not be accepted.

References are not necessary, but can be added if the authors deem it essential for understanding the abstract.

Authors are required to agree to the copyright transfer acceptance noted below before submitting an abstract:

The submitting author must declare on behalf of ALL authors:

  • that the material presented in the abstract is original material;

does not copy or otherwise infringe on the copyright or other proprietary rights of another party;

  • that the author(s) have been involved in developing the work presented in the abstract in order to take responsibility for the content.

The submitting author must ensure:

Conflicts or potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed. Such conflicts may include, but are not limited to, any activity related to the work presented in the abstract submitted that may influence the author’s judgment, for example:

  • Having received fees for consulting on a product or company which might be affected by the publication of your paper;
  • Having been employed by a related company which might be affected by the publication of your paper;
  • Holding stocks or shares in a company which might be affected by the publication of your paper;

When in doubt about whether a conflict or potential conflict may exist, please notify the secretariat upon abstract submission. (

Abstracts will be reviewed and scored by a panel of interprofessional judges prior to the conference.

Accepted abstracts will be presented at the Sepsis 2025 as Oral OR ePoster presentations. Top abstracts may be invited for an oral presentation in a related oral session. All other accepted abstracts not selected for an oral session are expected to be presented as ePosters.

Preference will be given to unpublished works, not yet presented at other conferences. Only original works or case reports will be accepted. Narrative review will not be accepted.

Communication on approval will be sent to the email provided in the registration, up to April 20th, 2025.


  • Poster size is a maximum of 90 cm (horizontal) x 120 cm (vertical).
  • The title must be the same as the Use capital letters 3 cm high. Below the title, in smaller letters, place the names of the authors and the institution.
  • In the text, use 5 cm letters that can be seen from a distance of 2 meters.
  • Create captions for figures and Present methods, results and conclusions in separate sections.
  • The poster must be produced with a rope, so that it can be fixed to the
  • The authors will be responsible for posting and removing the posters on the dates and times specified by the Organizing Committee.
  • The presenter must be present on the date and time determined by the Organizing Committee for the presentation.

Oral presentation

The rules for presentation, as well as the date, place and time, will be sent later, along with the approval email.

The certificate will be containing the name of the author and co-authors. It will be available on the event website and the authors will be informed by email.

The best clinical research oral and the best basic/translational science oral abstracts will be awarded with a registration for the next LASI meeting (XXII Forum Internacional de Sepse).

Situations that are not provided for in these regulations will be resolved by the Organizing Committee.

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